Problems with food come about for a variety of complex reasons - it is never down to just one problem. It is no wonder that in this society of surplus food and unrealistic expectations around body image that we develop unhealthy habits and lack sense of control over eating.
Good eating disorder therapy includes counselling; talking about feelings, cognitive behavioural work - exploring and changing some of our thought patterns, stress management; developing tools to help us deal with our worries better, nutritional advice; what foods the body needs and how calorie counting is not helpful (as there are good calories), physiological advice; whats happening within the body which is perhaps maintaining the negative eating behaviour, what the physiological consequences of this eating behaviour may be etc.
Vicky Mills specialises with Eating Disorders and has worked both in an NHS Eating Disorder Clinic for adults with severe Anorexia, Bulimia and EDNOS, as well as for young people within CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) Eating Disorder Service. She works privately with both adults, young people and children from the age of 9 and when appropriate consults with G.P. and Nutritionalist as part of the treatment.
If you are worried that your child is developing an unhealthy relationship with food, remember that phases of fussiness around food are normal during pre-school years and periods of overeating can be normal during teenage years - during the adolescent growth spurt more calories are needed.